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19.08.2021 | 06:46:32

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Миссисипи уверенно обошел Массачусетс по числу смертей на единицу населения и занимает третье место. Посмотрим, сможет ли он обогнать лидеров. Массачусетс сейчас один из лидеров по вакцинации, а Миссисипи наоборот в самом конце. В начале эпидемии третьим был Коннектикут после Нью-Джерси и Нью-Йорка, но он провалился вниз после британской волны, а сейчас его обходят все новые и новые штаты. А вот Южная Дакота с ним уже долго соревнуется, но никак обойти не может, хотя, кажется, как-то вырывалась вперед.

Пуэрто Рико, кстати, по вакцинации было в самом конце. Видно мало вакцины давали. А сейчас резко поднялось и по вакцинации от 12 до 17 даже обгоняет все штаты.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35304



19.08.2021 | 07:23:09

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Taiwan rejects Covid-19 vaccine from UBI Pharma in blow to self-sufficiency goal

Taiwan has had a setback in its drive for coronavirus vaccine self-sufficiency, with one of its home-grown jabs failing to meet the standard for emergency use.

The island’s regulator rejected UBI Pharma’s application for emergency use of its vaccine candidate on Monday, saying interim data from phase 2 clinical trials showed it did not trigger enough antibodies. Those produced did not reach the level of the AstraZeneca jab – the standard set by the island for emergency use approval before efficacy data is available for phase 3 trials.

Seventeen of 21 experts in a panel advising the government voted against granting emergency use.

Another home-grown jab, made by Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp, was given emergency use approval last month. The roll-out will begin from August 23, starting with at least 600,000 doses, the Central Epidemic Command Centre said. Taiwan plans to buy 5 million Medigen doses in total, and President Tsai Ing-wen has said she will be receiving the Medigen vaccine.

UBI will go ahead with planned phase 3 trials of its vaccine candidate in India and Taiwan, Hwang Kao-pin from the China Medical University Hospital in Taipei, who is heading those trials, told Apple Daily in Taiwan on Monday.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35305



Т. - А.

19.08.2021 | 08:39:04

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BillyBones: Не понимаю, что мы будем делать с результатами этих проверок.
Два миллиона тестов. Например, сто тысяч положительных. Что дальше?

сто тысяч сидят дома на карантине

Роджеру простительно. Ученый без мегаломании подобен клерку.
Но вот клерк на госслужбе, мыслящмй сотнями тысяч, просто опасен.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35306



19.08.2021 | 09:39:49

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How Chinese pressure on coronavirus origins probe shocked the WHO — and led its director to push back

From the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization has been accused of being too soft on China. President Donald Trump last year accused the organization of pushing “China’s misinformation about the virus” as he threatened to withdraw U.S. funding. At one point, Japan’s deputy prime minister labeled it the “China Health Organization.”

But a new book that details the relationship between the United States, China and the WHO during the pandemic offers a more nuanced and revealing story. It shows how WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cautiously praised China in public while pressuring it in private. And it shows how the Trump administration undermined this tactic with open hostility toward China and the WHO.

“Aftershocks: Pandemic Politics and the End of the Old International Order,” written by Thomas Wright and Colin Kahl, reveals how Tedros lost patience with China: When a WHO scientist on a coronavirus origins probe announced in February that the idea that the virus leaked from a lab was “extremely unlikely” and unworthy of further investigation, senior WHO staff in Geneva were shocked. “We fell off our chairs,” one member told the authors.

The team in Wuhan appeared to have given in to Chinese pressure to dismiss the idea without a real investigation. Later, when the WHO-China team released a report that again dismissed that scenario, Tedros pushed back, saying that the research was not “extensive enough” and that there had not been “timely and comprehensive data-sharing.”

Since then, relations between the WHO and China have nosedived. Chinese officials said in July that they would not accept any further investigation into the origin of the coronavirus in China and accused the United States of pressuring scientists. The WHO last week released a statement that resisted the idea that “the origins study has been politicized, or that WHO has acted due to political pressure.”
номер сообщения: 49-54-35307


Evgeny Gleizerov

19.08.2021 | 12:27:24

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Самодельный круиз по черноморскому побережью от Анапы до Сочи с рядом остановок показал, что Анапа - не исключение. Никаких примет безобразия не наблюдается нигде, кроме того что в отелях исправно требуют справочку. Впрочем, в гостевых домах (среди которых имеются вполне приличные) и о том нет речи.

"Всё, как до войны". Пить будем, гулять будем, а смерть придёт - помирать будем. Отдохнул душой, в общем.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35308



19.08.2021 | 13:24:33

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всех утопить

Это не наш метод. В список разрешенных казней утопление не входит.
А вот вывести на чистую воду желающих эту самую воду замутить - это нормальное желание, даже странно, что это нужно объяснять.

А что у жителей Модиина нет родственников, например в Ашдоде?

А как это относится к тому, что я сказал о разделенности жителей Модиина и Модиин-Элит?

по каким?

Страшно далеки они от народа.

Ответы так себе. Вокруг враги и воры и жители Модиин Элита мучаются в гетто😀
Выражайте свои мысли яснее и будет вам счастье

не надо шутить с войной
номер сообщения: 49-54-35309




19.08.2021 | 17:41:52

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BillyBones: Роджеру простительно. Ученый без мегаломании подобен клерку.

Я просто вспомнил детство золотое, когда поликлиника щедрой рукой раздавала больничные дня на 3-4, и никто не жаловался. 100 тысяч на 2 миллиона - это по 1 человеку на класс в среднем.

Может, у меня аберрации памяти.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35311



19.08.2021 | 18:34:21

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ЄС офіційно визнав, що українські COVID-сертифікати в застосунку Дія відповідають європейським. Українці знову зможуть безпечно подорожувати без обмежень, які спричинила пандемія.

Під час брифінгу представники Мінцифри, МОЗ та ЄС розкажуть про проєкт, його технічну частину, як все буде працювати та коли українці зможуть подорожувати з сертифікатами в Дії. Також спікери відповідатимуть на запитання преси.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35312



Т. - А.

19.08.2021 | 18:37:58

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Но ведь речь шла о том, что мы отправляем их на карантин в сто тысяч семей. Пусть в пятьдесят. Но все-таки. Если мы отправляем домой ребенка из арабской, религиозной, или эфиопской семьи, то около трети (очень приблизительно, но тем не менее) из них мы отправляем как раз к тем бабушкам и дедушкам, о которых беспокоимся.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35313



не то, чтобы очень
но и не так, чтобы совсем не

19.08.2021 | 19:00:17

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В тех религиозных семьях, с которыми я общаюсь, бабушки и дедушки не живут с детьми: в каждой семье по десять детей, у них для бабушек и дедушек места уже нет, у них и для родителей то с местами туго. Кроме того, бабушка с дедушкой тоже имели много детей, поэтому если они на старости лет и должны жить с кем-то из детей, то "треть" надо поделить на пять.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35314



19.08.2021 | 19:05:32

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А если ребенок живет с бабушкой или дедушкой, то он и без карантина с ними контактирует. Так они хотя бы будут предупреждены, что ребенок заразен, будут более осторожны, и меньше таких бабушек и дедушек заразятся.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35315



не то, чтобы очень
но и не так, чтобы совсем не

19.08.2021 | 19:21:58

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Как говорил капитан Блад, praemonitus praemunitus.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35316



19.08.2021 | 19:55:43

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Impact of Delta on viral burden and vaccine effectiveness against new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the UK

Are vaccines becoming less effective at preventing Covid infection?

Does the Moderna vaccine offer more protection against Delta?

The studies also appeared to show that the Moderna vaccine may be more effective at tackling the Delta variant than the Pfizer jab.

In the Minnesota study, Pfizer’s efficacy against infection dropped much more sharply as the Delta variant rapidly replaced Alpha as the dominant strain. One complication is that the Pfizer jabs were given first and Moderna’s rollout has been more recent, but the researchers tried to compensate for this by only comparing groups vaccinated in the same month.

The Oxford researchers only had enough data to study the impact of the first dose of Moderna but found it enjoyed efficacy similar to or greater than a single shot of the other vaccines.

The Qatar study showed a far lower efficacy rate for the Pfizer jab but it did not adjust for how long each individual had been vaccinated. However, Abu-Raddad said he did not believe that could be the sole explanation.

“Both are really great vaccines but it might be a difference related to the dose,” he said. Moderna’s vaccine has more than three times the mRNA — the genetic instructions that teach the body to recognise the spike protein — than the Pfizer jab.

Tomas Hanke, professor of vaccine immunology at Oxford’s Jenner Institute, speculated that the AstraZeneca shot generates longer-lasting immunity because its spike protein sticks around for more time, promoting a bigger immune response.

“When you deliver RNA, like the Pfizer vaccine, you deliver a finite number of mRNA molecules which are eventually cleared from the system,” he said. “But when you deliver the adenovirus, as AstraZeneca does, you deliver a template which then keeps producing these mRNAs that then produce the spike protein, so there’s no ceiling.”
номер сообщения: 49-54-35317




19.08.2021 | 20:11:02

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jenya: Как говорил капитан Блад, praemonitus praemunitus.

Не он один.
Praemonitus Praemunitus, the title of the second American edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, first published in 1920
номер сообщения: 49-54-35318




19.08.2021 | 20:25:07

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В центре им.Гамалеи Минздрава России разработан вариант вакцины от коронавируса "Спутник V", модифицированый специально под штамм "дельта" COVID-19, сообщил "Интерфаксу" глава учреждения, академик РАН Александр Гинцбург.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35319



не то, чтобы очень
но и не так, чтобы совсем не

19.08.2021 | 20:41:35

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Вот это было бы круто.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35320



19.08.2021 | 21:02:35

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Они-то везде разрабатываются, но пока вакцины под варианты не показывают более высокую эффективность, разве что маргинально. Тем более у существующих вакцин с безопасностью известно, а у модификации могут выявиться какие-то проблемы. Производство вряд ли из-за таких малых улучшений и еще неизвестных проблем менять будут. По крайней мере не скоро.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35321




19.08.2021 | 21:38:05

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На первом этапе интересно было бы посмотреть на концентрацию нейтрализующих антител (и не только для дельты, но и, например, для беты).

Может оказаться, что для оптимизации эффективности надо будет смешивать вакцины под разные варианты, причём не в равных пропорциях.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35322



19.08.2021 | 22:04:45

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Это у Модерны было в финансовом отчете для бустера под южно-африканский вариант. По-моему, у Пфайзера тоже в таком же отчете было немного раньше.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35323



19.08.2021 | 22:32:37

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В этом году грипп неожиданно рано пошел вверх. Может это какой-то эффект, что чаще обращаться стали из-за того, что ковида боятся. Но в прошлом году не было.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35324




19.08.2021 | 22:39:24

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grizly: Это у Модерны было в финансовом отчете для бустера под южно-африканский вариант. По-моему, у Пфайзера тоже в таком же отчете было немного раньше.

Для всех этих новых бустеров надо заново проходить испытания; я не уверен, что они доходили до III фазы.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35325



19.08.2021 | 23:08:32

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"So, if it's the same vaccine, my understanding is that what would have to happen is that the CDC would have to recommend an additional dose with details around when that should occur," Moss said in May. In other words, the FDA must give authorization for the vaccines to be used in new ways outside the existing authorization. Then, the CDC advises on whether to actually use the vaccine as authorized by the FDA.

If it's a modified vaccine, "this is where things get interesting and I don't think we quite know," Moss said, but added that the regulatory process could be similar to what happens with flu vaccines each year. "Technically, whenever a vaccine like that is modified, it's often considered a new vaccine and has to go through the whole process again. But there is a precedent, obviously, with influenza virus vaccines, not to do that," Moss said. "So, the influenza vaccine each year doesn't have to go through a large Phase 3 trial." That's because the vaccine technology stays the same, and the only change is the strain of flu virus that the vaccine targets.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35326



20.08.2021 | 04:31:17

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grizly: Florida changed how it reports COVID statistics. The result? The pandemic appears to look less severe, with fewer recent deaths

Just as a highly contagious new delta variant sent Florida into a vicious COVID-19 surge, the state Department of Health changed the way it reports cases and deaths attributed to the virus.

The most dramatic example is that Florida’s daily death count had been trending upward since the end of June, but with the recent adjustments made by the state Department of Health, the number of deaths due to COVID appeared to decline dramatically over the past week. At least on paper.

Deaths in Florida are increasing but still below the large numbers seen during the summer spikes in 2020, experts say. A COVID tracker created by The New York Times shows as of Aug. 10, Florida recorded a seven-day average of 141 deaths from the virus, a figure larger than 32 other states.

In contrast, according to the website maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using the information provided by the state Department of Health, Florida’s seven-day average as of Aug. 10 is only about third of that — 58 deaths.

Поздно догадались. Аризона этим с самого начала занималась. Хотя может Флориде Ребекка Джонс мешала

Florida COVID update: 799 deaths are added to tally over the past month

Florida on Thursday reported 15,586 more COVID-19 cases to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with 799 deaths over the span of the pandemic, all but one of which occurred in the past month, according to Herald calculations of CDC data.

The one-day jump in the number of reported cases and deaths comes amid a change in the way deaths and cases are counted. The change was implemented by the CDC last week, resulting in occasional one-day aberrations like the 799 deaths reported on Thursday.

The inclusion of the previously uncounted deaths is part of Florida’s ongoing latest wave. It is the largest single-day increase in the tally in Florida COVID pandemic history.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35327



20.08.2021 | 07:35:29

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Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues

No evidence of human genome integration of SARS-CoV-2 found by long-read DNA sequencing
номер сообщения: 49-54-35328



20.08.2021 | 20:01:26

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Texas Supreme Court temporarily allows school mask mandates to remain

Бедных техасских детей теперь будут держать в клетках и в масках
номер сообщения: 49-54-35330



20.08.2021 | 20:06:23

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Those Anti-Covid Plastic Barriers Probably Don’t Help and May Make Things Worse

A study published in June and led by researchers from Johns Hopkins, for example, showed that desk screens in classrooms were associated with an increased risk of coronavirus infection. In a Massachusetts school district, researchers found that plexiglass dividers with side walls in the main office were impeding air flow. A study looking at schools in Georgia found that desk barriers had little effect on the spread of the coronavirus compared with ventilation improvements and masking.

Before the pandemic, a study published in 2014 found that office cubicle dividers were among the factors that may have contributed to disease transmission during a tuberculosis outbreak in Australia.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35331



20.08.2021 | 23:37:43

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Fox News Issues Update on Company’s Coronavirus Protocols

The company is now asking all staffers to upload their vaccination status into its finance and HR system, Workday. The network says this is being done “for space planning and contact tracing purposes in conjunction with DCD/state city health and safety guidelines.”

Masks remain optional for Fox News staffers who have been vaccinated, but “are strongly encouraged in public areas throughout the building.”

Employees are required to wear masks in control rooms.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35333



21.08.2021 | 03:12:42

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The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday.

The Food and Drug Administration is pushing to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-dose Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, further expediting an earlier timeline for licensing the shot, according to people familiar with the agency’s planning.

Regulators were working to finish the process by Friday but were still working through a substantial amount of paperwork and negotiation with the company. The people familiar with the planning, who were not authorized to speak publicly about it, cautioned that the approval might slide beyond Monday if some components of the review need more time.
номер сообщения: 49-54-35334



21.08.2021 | 05:43:32

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Миссисипи следует заветам Шона Ханнити и Таккера Карлсона - вакцины слишком опасны, но ивермектин всех спасет
The Mississippi Poison Control Center has received an increasing number of calls from individuals with potential ivermectin exposure taken to treat or prevent COVID-19 infection.

At least 70% of the recent calls have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers

Mississippi officials warn against using livestock ivermectin to prevent COVID-19 after rise in poison control calls

"I think some people are trying to use it as a [COVID-19] preventative, which I think is really kind of crazy, so please don't do that," Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said during a press briefing Wednesday.

Ивермектин до того как заразился, а гидроксихлорохин, наверно, уже после заражения - Трамп уже совсем недавно рекламировал, но не уточнил в какой момент его употреблять
номер сообщения: 49-54-35335



21.08.2021 | 09:07:44

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The University of Virginia has disenrolled 238 students for its fall semester on Friday for not complying with the university's Covid-19 vaccine mandate, according to a university spokesperson.

UVA requires "all students who live, learn, or work in person at the university" to be fully vaccinated for the upcoming 2021-2022 academic year, according to current university Covid-19 policies.
Out of the 238 incoming Fall semester students, only 49 of them were actually enrolled in classes, and the remaining 189 "may not have been planning to return to the university this fall at all," UVA spokesperson Brian Coy told CNN.
"Disenrolled means you're not eligible to take courses," Coy said. He added that students who were enrolled at the university on Wednesday still have a week to update their status at which point they can re-enroll.

About 96.6% of UVA's student body is vaccinated, Coy said. Around 1% of students are currently unvaccinated while about 1.3% were allowed to claim religious or medical exemptions, Coy said.
"If you're unvaccinated, we ask that you wear a mask at all times -- indoors or outdoors -- whenever you're around people," said Coy. "Anyone unvaccinated and has an exemption will have to test once a week, we're starting once a week: That might go up."
номер сообщения: 49-54-35336