"I knew that Mark was very seriously ill. It became much worse in the last few weeks. It was rather sudden," Jussupow told Chess.com. The former world championship candidate was perhaps the closest friend of the famous Russian trainer. "For me it's a big loss. I I lost a very good friend and my chess teacher. He was also my teacher in life. I owe so much to Mark. It is impossible to pay this debt."
Viswanathan Anand @vishy64theking
R.I.P. #markdvoretsky. One of chess greatest thinkers. I have gained knowledge & depth in my preparation working with him .
I re read his books many a times. Am sure his work will be a cornerstone of preparation for many generations. He will be missed greatly
My most memorable Dvoretsky story happened in 1990, when I was representing the Soviet Union at the World Youth Championship—in the under-12 section. The Championship was held in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (which, amazingly enough, is only two hours from where I live now).
Mark Dvoretsky was an official coach for the Soviet Delegation. My first-round game against American player Mulyar had adjourned—this was probably the last time I had an “adjourned” game—with a clearly worse position. I was a pawn down and it was going to be tough to save it, especially taking into account that my opponent had gotten plenty of time to analyze the position thoroughly with his coaches.
Mark Izrailevich called me to me to his room and asked me to set up the position. After a few minutes of thinking, all the while shaving with an electric razor, he announced,
“I am not going to show you any variation! Most probably you are objectively lost, but if you trade bishops, and a pair of rooks, it will increase your chances to get a draw.”
He pointed out a few critical positions, double checked that I knew some basic theoretical positions and let me go. I achieved a draw with unbelievable ease and feeling as though my opponent hadn't analyzed this endgame at all. In reality it was all thanks to Mark Izrailevch Dvoretsky. A few days later he and another coach met me on the way back from my decisive victory over Peter Leko, and asked me about the move I played in the critical position. When I told him, he was so sincerely happy—like a child—and remarked to the other coach that he knew I would find it! It was truly inspiring to see his support.
Несколько лет назад во время суперфинала России видел с каким уважением относились все (любители и гроссы) к комментариям Марка Израилевича, а уж когда он указал выигрывающий вариант в "безумной" партии Витюгов-Свидлер, который не нашли ни ув. гроссмейстеры да и никто в
Зачитывался его книгами в юности, даже уже практически оставив шахматы. Невероятный педагогический дар и ясность изречения. Как и большинство настоящих мастеров игры - пробуждал интерес к ней в её самой чистой форме. Методический, вдумчивый поток мысли, задевающий некие глубинные струны, там где нет "выиграть", "рейтинг", "место в таблице" итд, а есть некий внутренний, интимный процесс нахождения хода. Место, откуда мы все пришли. Ибо все мы в какой-то момент (моменты), погружались в позицию, обо всем забывали и просто искали ход.
Vladimir Chuchelov @ChuchelovChess
Very sad news today. Mark Dvoretsky passed away.. He was a source of inspiration for generations of chess players. R.I.P
Harika Dronavalli ✔ @HarikaDronavali
Mark Dvoretsky,the legendary Russian chess player and author is no more.His books are constant source of knowledge for me and my game. RIP
Sergey Karyakin @SergeyKaryakin 2 ч.2 часа назад
R.I.P. Mark Dvoretsky...
I recommend to learn his endgames books, to everyone who wants to improve. One of the best chess coaches ever...
Прожил мэтр немало - 90 лет. Настолько немало, что кажется уже давно онтосящимся к прошлому. Почти как Чаплин.
Но тем, для кого это прошлое - не своё, а родителей (или даже дедов), кто на фильмах пана Анджея не рос, а вообще их не видел - очень советую: посмотрите. Многое поймёте и про Польшу, и про то время.
А я - пересмотрю, пожалуй. Надо только в оригинале найти.
jenya: В детстве я вычитал у Гика шахматное доказательство теоремы Пифагора, даже студентам как-то показывал.
Я за это доказательство получил пятёрку по геометрии.
Наверное, все шахматисты бывшего Союза если и не знают это доказательство, то читали хотя бы одну книгу Гика. Я прочел штук пять точно - дома лежит "Шахматный калейдоскоп" из библиотечки Кванта.
Карпов первой своей избранной партией считал партию с Гиком, в которой Карпов эффектно выиграл в варианте дракона.
Сейчас компьютерный анализ вроде показывает, что там не всё так просто.
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