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12.10.2010 | 13:48:11

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20.09.2024 | 19:32:31

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lasker emanuel: В Будапеште на гала-вечере в честь 100-летия FIDE Магнус Карлсен получил награду как "лучшему шахматисту в истории шахмат". Приз выручил В. Дворкович.

Having received the FIDE award for the greatest chess player in the last 100 years from the hands of Arkady Dvorkovich, former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and current president of FIDE, Magnus Carlsen honoured Garry Kasparov’s legacy by advising FIDE against the lifting of sanctions against the Russian and Belarussian chess federations, which FIDE is allegedly considering at the upcoming General Assembly.

“Feels kind of strange to be receiving this award while I’m still an active player. Right now, (I’m) more concerned about Norway’s match against Vietnam. I am of course happy to get this award but in my personal opinion, I still think that Garry Kasparov has had a better career than I have,” Carlsen said upon receiving the award in Budapest on Thursday.

“I understand why I got this award but I still think that he was more deserving. I would say, at least in Garry’s honor, that I’m sure he would take the opportunity to advise against reinstating the Russian and Belarusian chess federation. So that is what I would do as well,” he added.

номер сообщения: 127-12-17581



20.09.2024 | 21:17:02

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lasker emanuel: В Будапеште на гала-вечере в честь 100-летия FIDE Магнус Карлсен получил награду как "лучшему шахматисту в истории шахмат". Приз выручил В. Дворкович.

номер сообщения: 127-12-17582



21.09.2024 | 01:36:13

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lasker emanuel:
На встрече азиатских федераций в ходе Конгресса ФИДЕ в Будапеште было принято решение о проведении континентального чемпионата Азии по шахматам с 20 по 30 ноября 2024 года.

Сколько путевок на КМ будет разыграно?

Откуда информация?

Ровно на эти сроки намечен 3-ий "Кубок Президента" в Ташкенте, между прочим. Может, решено "совместить"?
номер сообщения: 127-12-17583


lasker emanuel

21.09.2024 | 02:01:30

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The Asian continental meeting during the FIDE Congress in Budapest decided that the Asian Continental Chess Championship will take place November 20-30, 2024.
номер сообщения: 127-12-17584