lasker emanuel: Вот интересно, что скажут критики ФИДЕ на эти слова Сутовского?
Это же элементарно и очевидно.
(Хотя я и не записной критик ФИДЕ)
Абстрагируясь от моей одиозной личности уважаемый коллега Я не сколько бы ставил Вам в упрек критику ФИДЕ (сам грешен), сколько ,то, что у Вас отсутствует критический взгляд на Бютнера и Ко в этом противостояние. В Ваших глазах это человек " который из заброшенной деревушки построил шикарный курорт", и по этой причине критика Яна Хенрика невозможна) Все это разумеется мое сугубо личное мнение, и написано все с уважением к Вам коллега Почитатель
Я гуляла сегодня утром в районе Вайсенхаус перед сегодняшними играми. Много мыслей пришло мне в голову... Бобби Фишер был нашим гостем в 1993 году в Будапеште, и он показал нам свою инициативу, Chess960. Мы играли и говорили об этом. Тогда это казалось невозможным, а теперь это реальность: я здесь и комментирую @chess_freestyle
С самого начала конфликта я всегда говорил, что очень хочу, чтобы стороны пришли к согласию и провели прекрасный турнир. И ещё раз решительно осуждаю все попытки подорвать авторитет ФИДЕ, в том числе и попытки самого Магнуса.
В виде исключения решил написать ровно один пост и адресовать нашему уважаемому Почитателю.
Я уверен, как большой поклонник проекта и лично господина Бюттнера, он видел его последние интервью, но для всех любопытствующих я добавлю пару ссылок (наверняка я еще многое упустил).
Вот большое интервью испанской прессе (перевод очень легко делается через автоматический переводчик).
Вот его видео интервью taketaketake:
Меня очень интересует, как уважаемый Почитатель прокомментирует следующие цитаты:
вот из видео интервью (в районе 35 минуты, если вдруг целое интервью не видели, и нет возможности смотреть):
"people say they put it in pocket" (they - это money, если что).
А вот прекрасное из интервью damasyreyes - "There are beggars who ask for money and they are mafia members. They ask for money for criminal reasons" (другой переводчик может предложить gangsters вместо beggars).
Я уверен, переводить с английского эти фразы не требуется, по крайней мере уважаемому Почитателю.
Я был бы признателен, если бы Вы нашли время, прямо и недвусмысленно, прокомментировать эти выражения, насколько правдивыми вы их считаете, какое ваше отношение к человеку, который подобные фразы публично использует.
P.S. Вопросами со зведочками могли бы быть:
- высказать личное мнение о двух открытых письмах Freestyle Chess и используемых в ней лексике
- высказать личное мнение о допустимости публикации переписки в Вотсап
- высказать личное мнение о встречной допустимости (чтобы сравнить с предыдущим пунктом) для ФИДЕ опубликовать сообщения господина Бюттнера.
Но, как известно, вопросы со звездочкой необязательны.
P.P.S. Коллеги, при всем уважении, я не планирую вступать в дискуссию еще с кем-то, возможно отвечу уважаемому Почитателю, когда он прокомментирует (уверен, что прокомментирует), возможно нет.
P.P.S. Турнир интересный, классическую часть посмотрю, хотя без вменяемого текстового (не видео) комментария на русском языке понять планы и стратегию будет очень тяжело, по крайней мере на моем уровне. Результаты отбора смотрел, но скорее результаты, я не очень интересуюсь рапидом в принципе, если это не чемпионат мира (из-за статуса), короткий рапид в Фишера смотреть еще тяжелее, очень сложно понять, оценка изменилась потому что один игрок применил интересную идею (а второй не разобрался, ну условно как партий Гири-Дубов на ЧМ по рапиду несколько лет назад) или потому что кто-то грубо зевнул.
Эмиль Сутовский Возьмите Grand Swiss 2025 — первый отборочный турнир к Матчу 2026 года. Общий призовой фонд составляет почти 1 млн. долларов, но также покрываются все расходы на 164 игроков — снова предоставляя рекордные призы, но также и уникальную возможность. Вот как мы развиваем игру. И мы продолжим это делать. Потому что мы заботимся.
И какие именно рекордные призы?
И что такое все расходы?
Чтобы сравнивать, надо бы больше конкретики.
Audiatur et altera pars
Вероятно, Эмиль прав, повторяя и повторяя о положительном в деятельности ФИДЕ. Вероятно, это необходимо. Но можно же было не начинать с очередного выпада против личных врагов. Ни Карлсен, ни Бюттнер ни словом не обмолвились об "антимолодежной" политике ФИДЕ. Сказано было лишь о том, что ФИДЕ вынуждала молодых игроков, без всякого юридического опыта (да и жизненного), срочно подписать отказную записку, разосланную во время турнира в Вейке, срочно принять важнейшее для всей будущей карьеры решение - так что игравшие в Вейке обращались за советом.
Ни о какой другой "защите молодых игроков от ФИДЕ" никто из них не заикался.
Совершенно необязательно было снова лягать Карлсена, вне всякой необходимости. Однако Карлсен, за которым ФИДЕ (в т.ч. Эмиль) буквально бегала (не останавливаясь даже перед готовностью поступиться декларируемой принципиальностью в отношении "классика это наше всё") - теперь стал кровным врагом.
Нильсена Эмиль без конца отшивал спокойно, одной левой. Но с Нильсеном, как бы он не "задирался", ничего личного действительно нет. А тут именно личное - реакция на тяжелейшее оскорбление.
Кому как (это само собой), но мне категорически не нравится.
9 февр. 2025 г., 13:22
(0:32) Warmest welcome to everybody, I'm Sebastian, Sebastian is the tournament director and it's (0:38) my pleasure to open the first Grand Slam, what we have 25 this year already, so it's (0:48) my pleasure to welcome you, everybody, and we have today the press conference, it's open (0:55) for everybody, we have also a live stream there, we get also some requests from there. (0:59) So first of all I want to, for the stage, Jan-Henrik Wittner, the founder of Freestyle (1:05) Chess. (1:09) And then to the next World's Best Chess Players is Magnus Carlsen, and our new CEO is Thomas (1:22) Haas, he is for all the commercial terms and for marketing and fundraising, he's a little (1:29) funny.
(1:32) Okay, so we will start, I think the beginning may be Jan-Henrik, because he knows everything (1:39) at his best. (1:40) I know everything, especially I know that I don't know anything, so I know more than (1:46) the people that know, even though they don't know anything, so welcome, welcome, I'm very (1:52) happy, I'm very proud, I'm extremely, extremely proud, I must say, of all of this, and I would (1:58) like to start with thanking our production team, most of you have been here yesterday (2:06) as well, you saw the boxes, everything flying around, everything is absolutely 100% perfect, (2:12) and that is mainly due to this man, Thorsten Hock, who happens to be also my father-in-law, (2:23) but he's of course a professional, as you all know, and he's here with his team, he (2:29) has done, of course, behind him, how many people are on your team? (2:33) We're working with 100 people. (2:34) 100 people, 100 people are doing this all together, and so yeah, thank you very much, (2:39) Thorsten, for getting this on here.
2:43) And then the second person I would like to welcome, Nathalie Fischer-Nagel, who is basically (2:48) our host, basically, of course, you know, it's my resort, but can you come on stage (2:54) so that they can see you? (2:56) Because she's the hotel director, and Nathalie is making everything possible, which has nothing (3:06) to do with chess, so basically that's her job, thank you very much, Nathalie, for welcoming (3:12) everybody, and she's taking care of all of the details, for whatever thing, you can (3:18) always ask her. (3:19) Everything, alpacas, elephants, everything. (3:22) Whatever it is, I'm here.
(3:24) Perfect, thank you, Nathalie. (3:25) So yeah, we would like to basically start with just a little explanation of what we (3:35) are doing. (3:36) At the end of this, we're going to show our season trailer, where everything that we are (3:41) saying right now is basically summarized again, so you can write it down again.
(3:47) But the point is that we have spent the last year, we have met here altogether, of course (3:54) last year you see some changes, we have been much more professional this year than last (3:59) year. (3:59) I think it was on a great professional level already, but we added the whole streamer community, (4:04) so we are welcoming not only new people here and friends, but also we are welcoming all (4:14) the top streamers of the world. (4:16) You will realize, I don't know if you know, but basically we have managed it that everybody (4:21) and everyone who is anything in the chess world is here now, starting from the top players (4:29) to the top streamers.
(4:31) To the players, we have had a regulation which basically came to the fact that 7 out of (4:40) the 10 players are the same like last year, so we only have 3 new players. (4:45) And last year we had 8 players, so we expanded the tournament to 10 players, because it started (4:53) basically, it's a players tournament. (4:55) People who have been at the technical meeting yesterday, you see we have a lot of interaction, (4:59) the players, we did voting, it's a tournament by the players for the players, and we are (5:04) just helping them to get it perfectly organized so they can just focus on the chess and on (5:10) their competition, and we are building all the surroundings.
(5:13) So for us, it doesn't matter if the rules are this or that way, as long as the majority (5:17) of the players are in there. (5:19) So the players, for example, last time said it was kind of boring that they played the (5:23) round robin just for placement, so we made it really exciting, because we have the 10 (5:28) greatest chess players of our time right now here, and 2 of these, we will not see (5:34) anymore playing on Sunday. (5:36) So it's very interesting to see, I mean, I can't even think who are the 2 players who (5:42) will be 9th and 10th after tomorrow's second day of the round robin.
(5:48) So that's going to be exciting, and we're going to make it even more exciting as of (5:53) the next event, because as you can see in our rules and regulations that we have already (5:58) published online, they will be valid, the new ones, as of February 15 after this tournament. (6:03) We're going to have 12 players, and so in Paris we're going to have 12 players, and (6:08) we're going to have the tournaments continuing also, so we're going to have 12 players. (6:13) Yeah, and so with that, basically I think the rest is already said.
(6:17) I'm going to hand over again to Sebastian to see what else you want people to know, (6:22) and then you can start asking the questions, because we have talked enough. (6:26) I think it's about you wanting to ask questions. (6:29) Yeah, thank you very much, Jan-Henrik.
(6:30) For sure now it's open for the audience for all the chess questions, you can just ask (6:35) me for the technical part, but maybe you have some other questions for Magnus, and so for (6:44) the player part, and also for Thomas and for Jan-Henrik. (6:47) So who wants to make the beginning? (6:53) Okay, thank you very much. (6:55) It was a very nice meeting.
(6:56) No questions? (6:58) Okay, there are some questions on chess, please. (7:00) Before we start, there was a small discussion with this World Chess Federation, FIDE. (7:06) Maybe you can just explain now the situation.
(7:09) Yeah, so you can all sit down and relax, and then we're going to talk for two hours now. (7:15) Today, we are talking about our tournament, freestyle chess, all the great stuff. (7:20) I think about FIDE and the whole stuff, enough has been said over the last days.
(7:24) You can watch it, re-watch it online, and you can also ask questions, but that's not (7:30) the venue today. (7:31) We would like to concentrate on the future, on our perfect tournament, and that has nothing (7:36) to do with FIDE. (7:37) Thank you.
(7:39) We can definitely speak about the players. (7:42) We have Magnus here as the world's best player, but we have for sure also the world champion (7:46) here, and we have the best players, Ricardo, number two of the world, and Fabiano Caruana. (7:53) And we have also a new system, it's a qualification tournament, so this is open for everybody.
(7:58) There will be also something new very soon, we will announce. (8:03) There will be also possibility for every player of the whole world to join the party here (8:09) and to be part of this. (8:11) So, if you have any questions for the tournament, and maybe to Magnus directly, just about the (8:19) tournament here, would be great.
(8:24) Okay, Andre again. (8:26) Maybe one question to Magnus. (8:29) Is there any possibility to make a preparation on this Chess 960, different positions, any (8:37) chance for preparation? (8:41) I think as these tournaments go on, we will get more and more information that you can (8:47) prepare from.
(8:48) I spent a lot of time last year, played some training games, but mostly I was studying (8:55) different examples that my coach Peter came up with. (9:00) Most of that was based on engine games though, and it felt to me that a lot of it was not (9:06) so easy to translate to playing against humans. (9:10) So I felt in the tournament that I was probably overthinking quite a bit.
(9:14) I think as these tournaments go along, we will have more and more ideas of how top players (9:21) play, how their preferences in normal chess sort of translate into freestyle. (9:28) But for now, we don't have that much to work with. (9:33) It's mostly the games we played last year and engine games.
(9:38) So I've definitely prepared a bit based on that, but it's now mostly some statistics (9:47) rather than some more trends we can see. (9:52) But it is certainly going to be very interesting to see. (9:56) What I felt in the tournament last year was that there was a very steep learning curve, (10:01) both for myself and I think also from some other players.
(10:07) So I think that will be interesting to see as well, how much we actually learn just in (10:17) the course of these rapid games and then six classical games afterwards. (10:23) And that's a good point of introducing. (10:28) Is Niklas Wuschenberg here? (10:31) Well, I don't know.
(10:32) It should be published today. (10:33) I don't know. (10:34) We have prepared an online preparation course for freestyle.
(10:39) So you can purchase it online. (10:42) I don't know what the price is. (10:43) That would be the price point.
(10:44) But he analyzes a lot of the tournament games of last year. (10:51) And so it's basically also explaining what you have to think of. (10:54) So in terms of preparation, we have tried to look at how you can prepare for these games.
(11:00) And no one better than Niklas, who basically has the responsibility for starting this (11:05) whole madness here. (11:06) So you can look it up on our website. (11:10) There's going to be a course about freestyle chess learning.
(11:16) Next question. (11:19) I have a question. (11:20) So Grand Slam Freestyle Chess Tour, do you have already a vision or a picture where you (11:26) want to be or are going to be in three or five years? (11:30) I guess you can hear me.
(11:32) So do you have already a vision where you're going to be in three years with your Grand (11:37) Slam Freestyle Chess Tour? (11:39) You said once you wanted to create something like the ATP or the PGA Tour, which is a very (11:45) great and fantastic vision to have. (11:47) Do you already see this coming and growing that fast in the next three to five years? (11:54) Yeah. (11:54) I think this is similar, like Magnus said, to the steep learning curve about the chess (11:57) variant.
(11:58) We also have a steep learning curve about this business. (12:02) We have started the business like a venture capital startup, which I had a lot of experience, (12:07) of course, in my past. (12:09) So we raised the funds in order to be independent.
(12:12) And so we can do whatever we think is right and not what sponsors think is right. (12:16) And so now we are pre-financing the first few tournaments, mainly on our venture capital (12:22) money. (12:23) And we are in negotiations with sponsors, especially for the second half of this year (12:28) and then starting next year, to really take over a lot of the costs.
(12:32) We are also talking to cities about hosting fees, because some of you have seen what we (12:38) have done in Singapore. (12:39) We showcased the city as much that we now got a lot of requests from cities around the (12:46) world wanting to pay us seven-digit figures for hosting a tournament in their country, (12:55) in their city. (12:56) So we are just trying to see the revenue lines of this.
(13:01) What I can basically say is I know how the Grand Slam tour is going to shape up in this (13:07) year and the next year. (13:09) What's going to be in three or five years, of course, nobody knows. (13:11) The only thing in the business plan you know that it's not going to be those numbers that (13:15) you write down.
(13:16) You just don't know whether they are higher or lower. (13:17) But the point is that for this year, we're going to have, basically for every year, we're (13:24) looking at 26 because you're looking for the future. (13:27) So we always want to open the season in Weissenhaus here in our home base in February.
(13:33) And we want to close the season in South Africa in December. (13:36) We're going to announce the winner, whatever you might call him. (13:40) That's a discussion for another day.
(13:41) But in terms of we are having a winner at the end of the year. (13:45) So we have these two tournaments that are on our turf. (13:49) And in the middle, we're going to have a few, maybe two Grand Slams, maybe three, maybe (13:55) four Grand Slams, and maybe one or two what we call open tournaments over the board, which (14:02) you also see in our new regulations, where we have a lot of other players be attracted (14:06) to this and participate.
(14:08) Because our goal is that we're going to have a mix long term of 50% set players out of (14:13) the club and 50% that are going through qualifications, so that we have always a good mix. (14:19) We have a base of six, seven players who are basically always there, and then five, six (14:25) players who are revolving. (14:29) And we are adapting the system of the Formula One.
(14:31) So for this tournament now, the winner, of course, will get $200,000, which is, of course, (14:35) amazing. (14:36) Second one will get $140,000, third one $100,000. (14:41) But in addition, the players, the top ten players here, all players, as of next tournament, (14:46) only the top ten from the twelve will get Grand Slam points.
(14:51) And so we're going to have, we adapted from the Formula One, so the winner will get 25 (14:56) points, second get 18, third gets 15, and the tenth gets one point. (15:00) And then we're going to have five tournaments this year, where you can get points. (15:06) And for the last, for the Grand Slam final in South Africa, the top twelve point collectors, (15:12) so to speak, qualify for that tournament.
(15:15) And then we're going to have that tournament where we're going to have double points, so (15:19) the winner will get 50 points and the tenth gets two points. (15:23) And the person, the player with the most points over the season is going to be the winner (15:28) and the champion and whatever. (15:30) So that's kind of our immediate goal.
(15:34) On one hand, that's the players' side, the venue side. (15:38) Where are we going to go? (15:39) We're going to go, of course, to cities who are giving us the most money, so we don't (15:42) know exactly where the locations are going to be. (15:44) And in terms of revenue, we're going to see that we are trying to be at break-even, full (15:49) break-even after the end of 2026.
(15:53) And in terms of operations, it already has been communicated that I will basically, of (16:00) course, continue to be strongly involved and be there. (16:02) But I'm going to, within this year, I'm going to move over to the chairman position, which (16:08) I still already have. (16:09) But in terms of, in addition, I just had the CEO position, so the operating position, I (16:13) will hand over to this gentleman.
(16:15) And this is why he maybe can talk a little bit more about what's happening in the future. (16:20) Yeah, happy to. (16:22) I mean, I think to add one huge goal we have, obviously, is to make chess more accessible (16:28) and to bring new people into chess, the current keynote watching.
(16:32) And I think a really big part of that is, obviously, having content creators and having (16:36) streamers on board. (16:37) I mean, Levi is here, Andrea and Alexandra Botes are here, Chess Face India is here, (16:44) Anna Kramlin is here. (16:45) And we're really excited about that because I think all of these guys have done an incredible (16:50) job in getting new people interested in chess and telling stories about the games itself, (16:56) but also around the games.
(16:58) And so that's a big part. (17:00) We also want to make sure that we involve athletes from other disciplines. (17:05) There's a lot of basketball players, football players, actors, businessmen that are chess (17:11) fans and we hope to get them involved in some way, either organizing a tournament or (17:16) inviting them to the tournaments and really get the medialization of chess to the next (17:22) level.
(17:23) And, you know, I think if you look at... (17:24) Jan always talks about Formula One. (17:26) If you look at Formula One, there's a few people that watch the live broadcast and that (17:30) know about engines and DRS and all of that. (17:33) And there's a lot of people that are more casual viewers that are interested in the story (17:37) lines, the personalities.
(17:38) And we want to do the same in chess and really get more and more people interested and then (17:44) have the right mechanisms also to get them to play through the course, through online (17:49) events we're organizing. (17:51) And that's a big part of the vision, I would say. (17:53) I can add to that because we are experimenting, of course, and trying to get the best out (17:58) of it.
(17:58) This is also... (17:59) We have all these streamers. (18:00) We have the booths there. (18:02) We have also different commentator channels.
(18:04) We are trying out this one as well. (18:05) So we're going to have a consumer-oriented channel where chess talk is forbidden. (18:11) And then we have a professional talk where they can talk about all the squares and whatever.
(18:16) And so the professional talk is going to be hosted by Judith Polgar, of course, the best (18:22) female chess player of all time. (18:24) She's here and she is going to do the commentary together with Peter Liko and Niklas Uschenberg. (18:31) So the same team like last time, except Tanja Zakdev, because she moved over to the consumer (18:37) type.
(18:37) And then Thomas can talk about the consumer channel, how we're doing this. (18:41) Yeah, exactly. (18:42) I think that's a big one.
(18:44) So in the consumer or community channel, as we call it, the idea is really to make it (18:48) accessible for people that are not grandmaster level chess players. (18:52) So if you look at, I think is almost 200 million users and the majority of them (18:57) are rated under 1,000, under 1,400. (19:00) And we want to make a product, a broadcast product that is understandable for that part (19:07) of the chess-interested population.
(19:08) And so we have a host, James Patterson, who has been a host of League of Legends, the (19:15) esports, for 10 years. (19:16) And he's a decent chess player, but obviously far away from grandmaster level. (19:21) And he's going to be the host and we're going to make sure that it's more accessible in (19:25) terms of language, that we explain things more, that it's a show that's just more entertaining (19:30) and casual.
(19:31) So we'll have an open door policy where everybody can come in. (19:35) I'm sure Jan will come by and then Alexandra Botes can come by and Levi will be there, (19:40) like a lot, and just make it a really entertaining and fun show. (19:44) It obviously is about the chess, but it's about making chess more accessible to people.
(19:50) Gentlemen, if I can jump in. (19:52) You were asked a question about the goal of freestyle from three to five years. (19:56) If I could just get, in the interest of time, a couple sentences from each of you.
(20:00) What is the short-term goal for this event? (20:02) Any KPIs you can share or just personal goals that you have for this particular tournament? (20:07) Because it's much bigger than the one last year and it's also the first of five. (20:11) I mean, I would say for me the biggest goal is making sure that we have a tournament that (20:18) shows some great chess and makes the players happy. (20:20) That's number one and that's the base for everything.
(20:23) And then from more a business perspective, I would say getting as many eyeballs as possible (20:29) on this. (20:29) We know that chess can be incredibly exciting and we want to make sure that as many people (20:37) as possible see this. (20:38) And that means our own channels, our Twitch channel, our YouTube channels, and we have (20:43) a great social media team, we have a great broadcast team, but then also partner channels.
(20:47) is showing us stuff, TechTechTech is showing us stuff. (20:51) We have a bunch of content creators here that are all creating incredible content for their (20:54) audiences. (20:55) And so we just want to make sure that as many people as possible see this and learn about (20:59) freestyle and get excited about what we're doing.
(21:02) To be more specific to your question, Levi, because we have such a professional team, (21:08) like with Torsten and everybody, we have collected all of the data of the last tournament. (21:13) And our internal goal is to double that, whatever that is. (21:18) We're not going to reveal all the numbers, but our internal goal is to set the milestone (21:22) that we're going to double the views.
(21:24) Because you are of course right, we are a venture capital funded company and we have (21:28) raised now almost $20 million up to this point. (21:31) And the investors who are putting in the money, they don't want to have a 5% return. (21:36) They want to have a 50x on their investment.
(21:38) So in terms of, we're going to have to make sure that we're going to have a steep reach (21:43) curve. (21:44) So our internal goal is basically doubling whatever we had last time and then from there (21:48) going on. (21:51) Magnus, what's the goal? (21:53) I want to win the tournament.
(21:56) Honestly, I want to win every tournament that I play, but for me this is a little bit deeper (22:04) because this is the chess that I really, really, really want to play. (22:09) I love the classical format and I think this is the best way to play it. (22:16) And I'm really just fundamentally grateful to be here, to be able to play in this format.
(22:23) So I'm very, very happy that we're making it happen. (22:30) I think the players had a great time last year and I hope they will so this year. (22:37) And we just very much believe that we have something very, very exciting to show people.
(22:45) So we just want to get it out there. (22:48) So those are my goals. (22:50) And of course, everything feels a little bit better when you play well.
(22:55) Thank you. (22:59) Talking about this year's tour, as you mentioned, $20 million. (23:02) Who are the investors? (23:04) Where does the money come from? (23:05) It's basically venture capital funds and interested parties.
(23:10) So we are not sharing information about who exactly is owning only what. (23:15) I mean, the majority of the money came from the company Left Lane. (23:22) It's a venture capital fund.
(23:23) You can Google it. (23:24) It's a New York-based venture capital fund. (23:26) And it's especially interesting to them and for them because they, of course, have other big investments, (23:34) like $2.5 billion to invest.
(23:36) You can't just do it in, like, leagues or whatever. (23:38) But as one of their target groups is building new leagues. (23:43) So before they invested in freestyle chess, they had invested also in the Kings League, (23:51) which you might be familiar with.
(23:52) So they co-founded this also with Gerard Piquet, the very well-known soccer player, the best Spanish soccer player. (24:01) He, on this instance, is also an investor with us right now. (24:05) So we have a lot of individual investors who are investing, like, six-digit numbers.
(24:11) And one of them is here, my friend Chris. (24:13) He's also an investor. (24:15) So you can ask him what he expects of this.
(24:17) So Chris Adam is also one of our investors. (24:20) So we have a lot of individuals, you know, who believe in this and who are, like, in the six-digit. (24:28) Then we have these venture funds in the seven-digit.
(24:31) Some other funds, like, what's this motion called, the fund? (24:37) What's it called? (24:39) Shrug. (24:40) Shrug. (24:40) Shrug Capital.
(24:41) So there are some names that might end up. (24:43) Of course, Discovery Ventures is a big one because they are between Germany and South Africa. (24:48) And the fund manager, Jan Diepen, the top guy, he will also come.
(24:53) So Harley Miller, the fund manager from Left Lane, the top guy, they will all come here. (25:00) So the investors, a lot of the investors come here to see what's going on, especially in this event. (25:06) So they're going to join us more at the end.
(25:08) So, like, as of the 12th, we're going to have some investor VIPs and also some additional potential investors (25:14) because we still get a lot of interest from firms to invest. (25:20) And then just last but not least, he will not come, but he's extremely excited also because Left Lane has done these other sports leagues. (25:28) Like, they did League One Volleyball in women's volleyball.
(25:32) They did now Snow League with Shaun White, Snowboarding League in the U.S. (25:37) And so along that, they have one partner, Jason Miller, who's also coming here. (25:42) He's very much connected in the sports scene. (25:45) And he has connected us with Derek Rose, one of the best basketball players of all time.
(25:50) And he also has a strong investment here. (25:52) We're actually doing a lot of stuff with him as well. (25:55) He had started an idea called Chesterville.
(25:57) We took it over. (25:58) We're going to have an event in July in Las Vegas with him and the basketball guys and with Magnus. (26:02) It's going to be very exciting.
(26:03) And if you just look at Derek Rose's Instagram or whatever, he's praising it. (26:07) He loves it. (26:08) He's just so happy.
(26:10) He can't make it, unfortunately. (26:11) But maybe he'll come to Paris for our next event. (26:14) But he's very much heart and soul in here.
(26:16) And he's so happy. (26:18) And we are also very happy because he's just sharing all of our information with his huge fan base. (26:22) And so that's also one thing.
(26:24) We are, as investors, like the Institutional Venture Capital Fund and the private individuals. (26:29) And all of this mixed together gives us a very nice thing. (26:32) And so the next ones we are talking right now to that are strategic investors that are coming in that have strategic interests.
(26:38) And, of course, I can't reveal the names right now. (26:41) But there are some very interesting brand names associated with investing here. (26:47) What about big companies? (26:48) I mean, Chess would be… (26:50) Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
(26:51) Strategic investors, big companies with big names that are interested. (26:56) Usually, they come in a little bit later. (26:58) Here, they might even come in in the next few months.
(27:01) And you mentioned that some cities are interested in investing money. (27:04) So in this tour, which city… (27:06) Well, I can't reveal that as well because that's also confidential information. (27:10) But I can tell you that we have been approached out of the Asian market by three cities, the U.S. market by one city, and I think the European market by one city.
(27:19) So this is basically where they basically said, OK, what can we do? (27:23) And we now have a full presentation, like Thomas has a full presentation of talking to the cities and trying to get them. (27:31) We even have a talk with one city. (27:33) They want to have like a five-year deal with an eight-figure number, and so it's going to be big.
(27:39) It's like Formula One, same thing. (27:41) They go around the world, and that attracts a lot of people there as well. (27:46) So when you look at different cities, they have different goals.
(27:48) For example, the one city that I'm thinking about right now, they have two goals. (27:52) One is to bring tourists to the city so that if they have partners and show all their names to say, OK, they come to the city, then they have tourists coming. (28:00) Then we have to find a different format.
(28:02) Maybe because, as I said, we always have like Bison Osea in South Africa, it's going to be more like a family-oriented. (28:07) And then we're going to have these big events where we have a lot of spectators, you know, something. (28:11) We have always crazy ideas.
(28:12) We even think maybe we do something like not chess boxing because we don't want to have Magnus boxing, but maybe chess and boxing, something like that. (28:20) Maybe we do something like coordination, you know, where we basically attract like a lot of people who want to see the boxing thing. (28:27) Maybe we get some celebrities, whatever.
(28:28) So we're trying to make the best mix out of it. (28:31) We have this hand-in-hand with the celebrities. (28:35) We are thinking about continuing the GOAT challenge in terms of that we're going to, you know, where we have celebrities, really high-known celebrities or executives, (28:46) to do, you know, how many moves do we last against Magnus Carlsen, you know, as a GOAT challenge in terms of that.
(28:51) So keeping a score so that somebody can say, OK, I want to go to this event, see how am I doing. (28:56) All these kinds of ideas. (28:58) In addition, we are right now thinking about creating a freestyle chess academy for non-profit, but also to expand it to other countries where chess has not been so big.
(29:11) Like, for example, we see that freestyle chess is a perfect opportunity for, for example, the African continent to skip all the learning and all the learning, but just jumping to the forefront. (29:21) So we might see even new grandmasters, because we're also going to develop an own ecosystem for freestyle chess. (29:28) So there's going to be a ranking, so people who have no classical ecosystem, they can move up in that ranking.
(29:35) So all of this together. (29:36) In addition, we are thinking about, you know, to have Weissenhaus, the White House forum, to have a forum where we do some talks about chess and sports and so on. (29:45) So we have all these ideas that are basically from ourselves, but also brought to us by external partners.
(29:53) And that's so, so, and one big part is basically, which city are we going to go to? (29:57) And then we're going to do everything to showcase the city.
martynov: В виде исключения решил написать ровно один пост и адресовать нашему уважаемому Почитателю.
Я уверен, как большой поклонник проекта и лично господина Бюттнера, он
Вы, Александр, конечно, не читали "полного собрания сочинений Почитателя", но и чтение "неполного" никак не могло привести к подобному заключению. Не только в отношении проекта, но и в отношении господина Бюттнера (во многом мне симпатичного - да, но эта симпатия сугубо "поверхностная") свои сомнения я высказывал явно. (А какие-либо мои "восторги" ещё надо поискать, ибо восторгам-то - моим, моим собственным восторгам - даже и не соображу, с чего было взяться)
Но ведь речь у нас шла вовсе не об этом, а о позиции двух сторон в переговорах - так?
Я писал выше, что вы были "внутри", но могли быть правы в характеристике этих позиций (в принципе, хотя это совсем непросто - будучи "внутри", сохранять объективность).
У меня были другие ощущения. Переговоры явно были "на мази" - и это подтверждалось не только "утечками", но и словами вице-ппрезидента ФИДЕ. Поэтому заявление ФИДЕ явилось полной неожиданностью.
В заявлении (уже вечернем, обдуманном и тщательно сформулированном) я ничего не увидел о том, что шаги "второй стороны" навстречу оказались недостаточны. (Как вы писали, например, о том, что предложенный Фристайлом "спортивный регламент" был недостаточно спортивен). Нет, я увидел то, что "вторая сторона" не предприняла никаких шагов навстречу вообще.
Однако это категорически не соответствовало тексту подготовленного совместного пресс-релиза, в котором эти шаги перечислялись.
Естественны ли были в таком случае сомнения в безупречности позиции ФИДЕ в переговорах? По-моему - совершенно естественны.
Для меня некоторый свет пролился из интервью Э.Сутовского индийской газете (я упоминал выше). Эмиль прямо говорит, что недостаточно спортивный регламент - очень существенная вещь, но далеко (и с отрывом) не главное. А главное - что безоговорочной роли ФИДЕ как единственного регулятора соревнования, называемого "чемпионатом мира", второй стороной признано не было. И как пример - выдвинутое условие проведения одного из турниров самой ФИДЕ (в качестве реального организатора).
Не давая никаких оценок "поведению Бюттнера", хотя бы становится ясным, в чем состояла главная (в сущности - единственная) претензия к нему. (И что оставалось совершенно не ясным из заявления ФИДЕ).
Найдется время - отвечу на ваши вопросы. Это надо снова посмотреть интервью Бюттнера, которые - в отличие от интервью Сутовского - почти не дали ничего нового. Большого смысла пока не вижу (а что времени нет - это абсолютно честно). Заранее могу сказать только, что обсуждать "этическую сторону" совершенно бессмысленно. И потому, что эта сторона дела вторична (не всегда, но в данном случае), и потому, что в ней мы не сойдемся.
Эмиль Сутовский: Общий призовой фонд составляет почти 1 млн. долларов, но также покрываются все расходы на 164 игроков
Очень хорошо!
Читаем вместе с предыдущим предложением:
Возьмите Grand Swiss 2025 — первый отборочный турнир к Матчу 2026 года. Общий призовой фонд составляет почти 1 млн. долларов, но также покрываются все расходы на 164 игроков
А где Положение о турнире? Турнир должен был состояться в первой половине года (перенесен на осень - как бы из-за фристайл-серии), но где Положение? Какие вдруг 164 игроков - или речь идет о двух Grand Swiss (и о женском тоже) ?
martynov: В виде исключения решил написать ровно один пост и адресовать нашему уважаемому Почитателю.
Я уверен, как большой поклонник проекта и лично господина Бюттнера, он
Вы, Александр, конечно, не читали "полного собрания сочинений Почитателя", но и чтение "неполного" никак не могло привести к подобному заключению. Не только в отношении проекта, но и в отношении господина Бюттнера (во многом мне симпатичного - да, но эта симпатия сугубо "поверхностная") свои сомнения я высказывал явно. (А какие-либо мои "восторги" ещё надо поискать, ибо восторгам-то - моим, моим собственным восторгам - даже и не соображу, с чего было взяться)
Но ведь речь у нас шла вовсе не об этом, а о позиции двух сторон в переговорах - так?
Я писал выше, что вы были "внутри", но могли быть правы в характеристике этих позиций (в принципе, хотя это совсем непросто - будучи "внутри", сохранять объективность).
У меня были другие ощущения. Переговоры явно были "на мази" - и это подтверждалось не только "утечками", но и словами вице-ппрезидента ФИДЕ. Поэтому заявление ФИДЕ явилось полной неожиданностью.
В заявлении (уже вечернем, обдуманном и тщательно сформулированном) я ничего не увидел о том, что шаги "второй стороны" навстречу оказались недостаточны. (Как вы писали, например, о том, что предложенный Фристайлом "спортивный регламент" был недостаточно спортивен). Нет, я увидел то, что "вторая сторона" не предприняла никаких шагов навстречу вообще.
Однако это категорически не соответствовало тексту подготовленного совместного пресс-релиза, в котором эти шаги перечислялись.
Естественны ли были в таком случае сомнения в безупречности позиции ФИДЕ в переговорах? По-моему - совершенно естественны.
Для меня некоторый свет пролился из интервью Э.Сутовского индийской газете (я упоминал выше). Эмиль прямо говорит, что недостаточно спортивный регламент - очень существенная вещь, но далеко (и с отрывом) не главное. А главное - что безоговорочной роли ФИДЕ как единственного регулятора соревнования, называемого "чемпионатом мира", второй стороной признано не было. И как пример - выдвинутое условие проведения одного из турниров самой ФИДЕ (в качестве реального организатора).
Не давая никаких оценок "поведению Бюттнера", хотя бы становится ясным, в чем состояла главная (в сущности - единственная) претензия к нему. (И что оставалось совершенно не ясным из заявления ФИДЕ).
Найдется время - отвечу на ваши вопросы. Это надо снова посмотреть интервью Бюттнера, которые - в отличие от интервью Сутовского - почти не дали ничего нового. Большого смысла пока не вижу (а что времени нет - это абсолютно честно). Заранее могу сказать только, что обсуждать "этическую сторону" совершенно бессмысленно. И потому, что эта сторона дела вторична (не всегда, но в данном случае), и потому, что в ней мы не сойдемся.
Дорогой Почитатель, вам не стоило тратить силы и время на вашу бессмысленную простыню - я с вами указанный вопрос обсуждать не планирую, о чем даже заранее предупреждал.
Мне было крайне интересно, найдете ли вы силы и совесть осудить прямые оскорбления и обвинения в уголовных преступлениях - увы, силы вы в себе не нашли, это «совершенно бессмысленно». И конечно стоит посмотреть полное интервью, наверняка там будет точно понятно, почему ФИДЕ преступники и кладут деньги себе в карманы.
Для меня вопрос здесь совершенно закрыт, я обещаю и к вам больше никогда не обращаться, и буду очень признателен если и Вы найдете силы ко мне не обращаться и меня не упоминать.
« Я поставил небольшую ловушку, не осознавая этого!» — говорит Карлсен, когда Абдусатторов берет ладью на b1 перед пешкой на e4, что дает дополнительные шансы. Магнус правильно оценивает, что у него лучше!