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14.05.2021 | 14:34:29

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В Индии Спутник будет по $13,5 за дозу (948 рупий + 5% налог)

номер сообщения: 49-54-33833



14.05.2021 | 16:55:06

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grizly: Longer gap between Pfizer jabs boosts antibody response in elderly

Extending the interval between doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine from three to 12 weeks strengthens the antibody response in elderly people, according to a UK study.

The researchers at Birmingham university, working in collaboration with Public Health England, said their findings vindicated the UK government’s controversial decision in December to wait 12 weeks between first and second doses rather than the 21 days recommended by Pfizer’s clinical trials.

“The advice to prioritise first doses, so as to provide a greater public health impact and save more lives, was considered quite bold at the time but the data shows that it has paid off,” said Gayatri Amirthalingam, a PHE epidemiologist and co-author of the study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed.

The Birmingham study involved 172 people aged 80-99, who each received two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. Of the group, 73 had a 12-week interval between doses and 99 a three-week interval. Peak levels of neutralising antibodies, reached 2-3 weeks after the second jab, were 3.5 times higher on average in the group with the extended gap.

Тут фокус в том, что защита после первой дозу Бионтек-Пфайзера довольно слабая.
И шансы сыграть в ящик для 80-летнего привитого одной дозой британца в феврале месяце были отнюдь не иллюзорны.
В марте стало лучше. Для тех кто не попал в февральскую статистику.
А к концу марта опасность была настолько низкой, что 5-кратная разница в уровне антител уже мало на что влияла.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33834



14.05.2021 | 22:03:39

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номер сообщения: 49-54-33835



14.05.2021 | 22:16:22

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Michael_S:Тут фокус в том, что защита после первой дозу Бионтек-Пфайзера довольно слабая.
И шансы сыграть в ящик для 80-летнего привитого одной дозой британца в феврале месяце были отнюдь не иллюзорны.
В марте стало лучше. Для тех кто не попал в февральскую статистику.
А к концу марта опасность была настолько низкой, что 5-кратная разница в уровне антител уже мало на что влияла.

А более широкий охват снижает R и процент заразных среди населения. На такие вопросы тоже пытались ответить.
Public health impact of delaying second dose of BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 covid-19 vaccine: simulation agent based modeling study
Our findings suggest that vaccination rate is an important factor in choosing a strategy. A delayed second dose strategy either in people below 65 years old or the entire population did not show a cumulative mortality benefit compared with an on-schedule two dose regimen when the vaccination rate was 1% of the population or above. At very low vaccination rates, the differences in delay strategy were not observed but favored delays in people aged 65 years and younger when rates were 0.3% to 1% of the population per day. Our findings also suggest that changes in cumulative mortality are larger than the corresponding decrease in the number of infections. For example, the relative reduction in the cumulative number of infections for a vaccination rate of 0.3% and a first dose efficacy of 80% is around 6%, whereas the reduction for mortality is 11%.

Michael_S:Тут фокус в том, что защита после первой дозу Бионтек-Пфайзера довольно слабая.

Тут вопрос в том, что считать слабой; у них такое мнение на этот счет.
In the BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccine trials, the single dose vaccine efficacy was initially reported to be 52% and 80%, respectively. This was estimated in the small subset of participants who did not receive the second dose during the trial. As these were not defined study sub-groups, the advantages of randomization in preventing bias cannot be assumed to hold true, and unknown bias in these individuals is likely. This limitation cannot be overcome using simulation modeling. However, we believe that reasonable estimates can be made using the data available. The 52% vaccine efficacy in the Pfizer study was attributed to inclusion of the first 12 days after vaccination in the estimate. Including the first 12 days underestimates the true vaccine efficacy because sufficient time to develop immunity had not occurred. This is well established in vaccine and immunity literature and holds true regardless of vaccine type. In our study, we re-estimated the BNT162b2 vaccine efficacy to be approximately 87%, and this fits with the reported estimate for mRNA-1273. The CDC now estimates a single dose of either BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 to be 80% effective. However, we remained conservative and did a sensitivity analysis for a range of first dose vaccine efficacies from 50% to 90% to reduce this limitation in our study design.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33836




14.05.2021 | 22:58:10

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Как я понял Michael_S, 2 дозы в декабре было лучше, чем одна в декабре, вторая в марте, невзирая на количество антител. Если бы прививали летом, тогда при наличии вакцин было бы выгодно пораньше давать первую дозу, чтобы поднять уровень антител перед сезоном.

Понятно, что во всех странах задерживали не от хорошей жизни, а для того, чтобы выше поднять общую иммунизацию.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33837


Evgeny Gleizerov

14.05.2021 | 23:02:23

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Греки железно держат слово.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33838



14.05.2021 | 23:12:59

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Roger: Как я понял Michael_S, 2 дозы в декабре было лучше, чем одна в декабре, вторая в марте, невзирая на количество антител. Если бы прививали летом, тогда при наличии вакцин было бы выгодно пораньше давать первую дозу, чтобы поднять уровень антител перед сезоном.

Понятно, что во всех странах задерживали не от хорошей жизни, а для того, чтобы выше поднять общую иммунизацию.

Ну они считали общую смертность в разных сценариях исходя из данных на начало кампании вакцинации, т.е. зимой
номер сообщения: 49-54-33839




14.05.2021 | 23:22:58

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Мы знаем, знаем. Там ещё, конечно, от понижения планки возраста тонкая зависимость будет.

Я сейчас слушаю музыку плохого качества на телефоне: позвонил спросить, не перенесут ли мне второй укольчик АЗ с августа на май, раз уж всё равно её решили больше не давать первой дозой (со вчерашнего дня и в Квебеке), а вакцину получили (через CoVax! имея заказы по 12 доз на рыло!!).

А вчера в первый раз за 15 месяцев был на концерте (джазовом). В зале на ~800 человек сидело от силы человек 60. Так продавали билеты (по нашим правилам полагается 2 метра дистанция даже в зале), но была ещё платная трансляция.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33840



14.05.2021 | 23:25:29

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Ну у них не 60+60 > 90, а с учетом IFR для разных возрастных когорт и скорости вакцинации, и результат здесь неочевиден
номер сообщения: 49-54-33841




14.05.2021 | 23:36:39

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Я там дописал, чтобы в корне пресечь уточнения, но, видимо, недостаточно быстро. В этот момент я как раз дождался очереди по телефону, и мне объяснили, что могу не волноваться, и вакцина подождёт меня до августа в холодильнике.

Так что вы понимаете, этим учёным из Бирмингема лучше сейчас мне под руку не попадаться.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33842



15.05.2021 | 05:07:27

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Ничего себе: в Роспотребнадзоре предложили не лечить бесплатно ковидных больных, если те отказались от вакцинации

Заместитель директора по научной работе Центрального НИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора Александр Горелов заявил, что человеку, отказавшемуся от вакцинации против коронавируса и заразившемуся впоследствии COVID-19, следует лечиться за свой счет. «Мы должны пойти на тот шаг, когда в той ситуации, если ты отказываешься от вакцинации, в той ситуации, если ты заболел, стоимость лечения возмещать должен лично тот человек, который отказался от вакцинации», — пояснил он.

Ранее Горелов выступил с предложением ввести специальные страховки для тех, кто прививается против новой коронавирусной инфекции, на случай нежелательной поствакцинальной реакции. «Такая дополнительная гарантия может помочь в борьбе с антипрививочниками», — заключил специалист.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33843



15.05.2021 | 05:38:10

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Они мое предложение озвучили. Как альтернативу я еще предлагал увеличить стоимость страховки невакцинированным, потому что они составляют дополнительный фактор риска и страховые компании на них несут бо́льшие расходы.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33844



15.05.2021 | 05:45:46

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номер сообщения: 49-54-33845



15.05.2021 | 06:02:31

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Roger: Не знаю, насколько очистка Спутника и J&J лучше (и лучше ли) - я про старый разговор, что тромбы связаны с вектором. Интуитивно кажется, что аденовирусы очень разные, и один и тот же механизм тромбоцитопении может быть к ним неприменим, а вот среды, в которых их выращивают, могут быть более схожи, как и техпроцессы.

Может, они тогда в J&J как раз и ливанули EDTA, и какая-то часть разошлась по потребителям?

Тут еще мне непонятны такие вопросы.
- Такой же процесс ведь использовали, наверняка, и для других препараторов. Почему же там не замечали TTS.
- EDTA попадает в организм еще и с едой или с какими-то препаратами. Насколько велика ее концентрация из-за еды и из-за вакцины.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33846



15.05.2021 | 06:10:37

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С 25 мая Россия возобновляет
авиасообщение со следующими странами:

- Исландия;
- Мальта;
- Мексика;
- Португалия;
- Саудовская Аравия.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33847




15.05.2021 | 06:29:55

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grizly: Тут еще мне непонятны такие вопросы.
- Такой же процесс ведь использовали, наверняка, и для других препараторов. Почему же там не замечали TTS.
- EDTA попадает в организм еще и с едой или с какими-то препаратами. Насколько велика ее концентрация из-за еды и из-за вакцины.

“Whether the EDTA is involved, I think, is the softest part of the whole story.”

He said he was suprised at the concentration the group found in the AstraZeneca vaccine samples they examined: 100 micromoles, which is much higher than amounts listed for other common vaccines.

EDTA там в лошадиной концентрации, он вызывает деградацию стенок сосудов, и в кровь попадают собственные белки пациента, возбуждая тромбоциты. Но сам по себе EDTA тромбоцитопению не вызывает, нужны чужеродные белки.

Авторы говорят, что АЗ выделяется высокой остаточной концентрацией белков среды (а это, по-моему, какая-то чистая линия одного человеческого эмбриона 50-летней давности, вероятно, общая для выращивания всех аденовирусов, к другим лекарствам это вообще может не относиться), и они типа наблюдали взаимодействие этих белков с тромбоцитами.

Плюс туда же, вероятно, воспалительная реакция организма на сам аденовирус и его полезную нагрузку.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33848



15.05.2021 | 06:53:20

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28 cases of TTS confirmed after J&J vaccine

Six males are among 28 patients who developed thrombosis with thrombocytopenia (TTS) after receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, and three patients died, according to a federal vaccine safety expert.

All three of the patients who died had signs of severe cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) on initial imaging, and all died within two days of presentation. None of the individuals had received heparin, which may be harmful for patients with TTS after COVID-19 vaccination. Nineteen of the 28 patients with TTS had CVST.

“The clinical features of TTS following Janssen COVID-19 vaccination appear similar to what is being observed following AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination in Europe,” he said.

As of May 7, there were no confirmed cases of CVST with thrombocytopenia after receipt of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. A total of 135.7 million doses of Pfizer vaccine and 110 million doses of Moderna had been given.

In addition to sharing information with patients before administering the Janssen vaccine, providers are reminded to note anxiety-related events after vaccination. According to a May 7 CDC MMWRreport, five mass vaccination sites in different states reported clusters of anxiety-related events after receipt of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. Among the 64 anxiety-related events were 17 events of syncope after vaccination.

CDC authors noted that the single-dose Janssen COVID-19 vaccine may be a more attractive option to those with a needle aversion who may be predisposed to anxiety-related events after being vaccinated. Other possible anxiety-provoking stressors could include the ongoing pandemic and seeing other people being vaccinated at mass vaccination sites and on media reports.

Study authors wrote: “It is important that vaccination providers are aware that anxiety-related adverse events might be reported more frequently after receipt of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine than after influenza vaccination and observe all COVID-19 vaccine recipients for any adverse reactions for at least 15 minutes after vaccine administration.”
номер сообщения: 49-54-33849




15.05.2021 | 08:27:51

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Для сравнения, у нас те же 28 случаев на 2.3 млн АЗ

As of May 12, there have been 28 reports of TTS in Canada, of which 18 were positive for PF4 antibodies, meeting the definition of VITT; laboratory testing on the remaining 10 TTS cases is ongoing. Based on available evidence to date, PHAC has estimated the rate of VITT in Canada as 1 in 83,000 doses administered. As investigations continue for additional cases, pending PF4 antibody results, this rate could increase to 1 in 55,000.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33850



15.05.2021 | 10:34:14

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Taiwan records 180 new cases in island’s worst Covid outbreak of pandemic. Of the 180 cases, 132 were reportedly without a known source.

At a press conference on Saturday, Premier Su Tseng-chang and cabinet ministers announced the lifting of the alert level for Taipei and New Taipei from two to three, on a four-level scale, where four establishes a lockdown. Beginning 4pm Saturday they will remain in place until 28 May, authorities said.

According to guidelines published in local media, level 3 generally includes mandatory mask wearing in public, limits on outdoor gatherings to 10 and indoor gatherings to five, and the closure of all businesses except essential services, law enforcement, government services, and health services.

However in Saturday’s announcement, food and beverage outlets were only ordered to close if they could not fully implement customer ID registration and social distancing measures. Customers were urged to choose takeout over dining in. Weddings and funerals have not been cancelled but will require registration of attendees, and the limits on gatherings did not apply to schools or work.

Within hours of the announcement some supermarkets were mobbed by shoppers, despite no apparent suggestion that supermarkets would close.

Under the general guidelines, residents in neighbourhoods where community transmission has occurred - for example in Taipei’s Wanhua district which is at the centre of a major cluster - must stay within defined perimeters and comply with testing. Schools and public gatherings in the neighbourhood would also be suspended.

Residents of Wanhua, where the outbreak was originally centred around several hostess bars and tea houses linked to the sex work industry, have been reporting in droves to rapid testing clinics since Friday. Authorities have promised law enforcement has no intention of targeting sex workers or undocumented migrants.

The rest of Taiwan remains on alert level 2 but entertainment venues have been ordered to close and religious gatherings banned. The Taiwan-Palau travel bubble has also been suspended until 8 June, and Hong Kong has increased its quarantine requirements for anyone arriving from Taiwan.

А Палау-то кто закрыл? Со 123% уколов должна быть самой иммунизированной в мире.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33851



15.05.2021 | 12:51:14

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Russia has produced just 33 million doses of its Sputnik V vaccine so far. We spoke to people across the supply chain to find out why:

Big promises, few doses: why Russia's struggling to make Sputnik V doses | Reuters

1. Initial scale-up was hard.

The chief exec of one firm described working as if "blindfolded" at first.

"Vaccine production takes 1-1.5 months... Then, you compare output to the reference sample. If it matches, you're lucky. If it doesn't, you pour out the product you made."
His firm was gearing up to make 10 million doses a month but by late March had still not produced 1 mln. It began the process of cell growing in November.

Its new plant - a Soviet-era car factory turned into a state-of-the-art biotech facility - has yet to open officially.

2. Two different vectors.

A key challenge is the design. Unlike other vector vaccines, the first dose and booster shot use different adenovirus vectors, in order to boost effectiveness.

As another manufacturer put it, that means learning how to produce two different vaccines.
Such technical challenges have now been resolved, producers said.

The industry ministry said output was more than meeting demand. "Any local issues related to vaccine production are dealt with promptly," it said, adding it ensures "that there is enough vaccine for everyone."

3. The booster shot is harder to make, some said.

For this, Russia teamed up with AstraZeneca, whose vaccine uses a different adenovirus shot, two sources familiar with vaccine strategy said -- human trials of a mix-and-match vaccine are under way in several countries.
Another option for this is 'Sputnik Light' -- which uses just the first shot.

A third Russian pharma chief exec said he plans to seek permission for his firm to produce only this one-dose vaccine.
The fund behind Russia's global vaccine rollout said both shots were being produced and delivered on time.

Doses for export will largely be produced abroad and Russia has signed numerous major manufacturing deals with firms in India, China, South Korea and more.
It said this network planned to produce enough doses to vaccinate 800 million people in 2021, that it had demonstrated a strong commitment to honoring its international supply contracts, and stood by an offer to provide 50 mln people with doses in the EU.

4. A natural ceiling -- manufacturing plants.

There are a limited number. Some pharma firms were able to repurpose plants to produce Sputnik V. To expand further, new plants will be needed.

One firm is building a site to make 200-300mln doses p/year.

5. Staff.

"We can buy equipment, we can build plants. But in biotechnology, competent people is the most important thing. And there are not very many of them"
номер сообщения: 49-54-33853



15.05.2021 | 12:56:13

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И одновременно WSJ на ту же тему, что неоспоримо указывает на заказной характер антиспутниковской кампании

Russia Struggles to Meet Demand for Its Covid-19 Vaccine - WSJ
номер сообщения: 49-54-33854



15.05.2021 | 19:38:17

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Hospitals overwhelmed as Covid cases surge in Osaka

A surge in coronavirus cases in Japan is forcing exhausted medical workers to make “heartbreaking” decisions about treatment as healthcare services are close to being overwhelmed, medics have said.

In Osaka, at the centre of the country’s fourth wave of infections, hospital beds are almost at capacity and reports say an estimated 17,000 people with virus symptoms are being treated at home or waiting to be admitted to a medical facility. In recent weeks more than a dozen have died before they could be hospitalised.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33863



15.05.2021 | 19:44:00

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Opposition To Tokyo Games Grows Heated Amid COVID Concerns

Japan's government moved Friday to put more of the country under a coronavirus state of emergency, as opposition to the Tokyo Olympics becomes more organized and vehement with only 70 days left to go until the opening ceremony.

Nine of Japan's 47 prefectures are now under a state of emergency until the end of the month after Hokkaido, Okayama and Hiroshima joined that list on Friday. The two largest cities, Tokyo and Osaka, are among the areas under a state of emergency. Case numbers in a fourth wave of infections continue to rise.

The government remains adamant that the games will proceed as planned and pledged to take proper anti-virus measures to make sure the Olympics are safe. The problem is that local governments and medical institutions are refusing central government efforts to secure scarce medical resources for the Olympics. They refuse to prioritize Olympic athletes and staff over their own population.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33865



15.05.2021 | 19:55:45

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain said on Friday that vaccination protocols would be changed to swiftly deliver second doses to people over 50 to combat the spread of a coronavirus variant first detected in India, a warning sign for countries that are easing restrictions even though their own vaccination campaigns are incomplete.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33866



15.05.2021 | 22:37:30

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Investigate the origins of COVID-19
The two theories were not given balanced consideration.

As scientists with relevant expertise, we agree with the WHO director-general, the United States and 13 other countries, and the European Union that greater clarity about the origins of this pandemic is necessary and feasible to achieve. We must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data. A proper investigation should be transparent, objective, data-driven, inclusive of broad expertise, subject to independent oversight, and responsibly managed to minimize the impact of conflicts of interest. Public health agencies and research laboratories alike need to open their records to the public. Investigators should document the veracity and provenance of data from which analyses are conducted and conclusions drawn, so that analyses are reproducible by independent experts.

Не заплатил им Китай, хотят расследования
номер сообщения: 49-54-33874




16.05.2021 | 02:21:24

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Напомнило анекдот.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33875



16.05.2021 | 04:04:03

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Over a third of states are ending COVID-19 mask mandates

Eighteen states have announced plans to drop public mask mandates either immediately or in the weeks to come. But others, such as California, New York and New Jersey, are moving forward with caution.

In North Carolina, the governor announced that the state will no longer require people to wear masks or social distance in most settings. But he said there will continue to be an indoor mask mandate on public transportation and in child care, schools, prisons and certain public health settings.

Colorado took a broader view, with Governor Jared Polis saying "we have now really reached a threshold where not enough people are vaccinated to end the pandemic, but enough people are vaccinated where especially those who are vaccinated no longer need to wear masks."

Corporations are making up their own rules. Kroger, Target and Home Depot say they're keeping mask mandates in place, while Walmart and Trader Joe's won't require masks for vaccinated customers. They won't, however, ask for proof of vaccination.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33876



16.05.2021 | 04:06:25

все его сообщения:
за день, за месяц,
за все время

TaqPath RT-QPCR все продолжают делать, скоро по отсутствию SGTF можно будет судить как более конкурентноспособные варианты вытесняют британский.
номер сообщения: 49-54-33877



16.05.2021 | 04:23:05

все его сообщения:
за день, за месяц,
за все время
номер сообщения: 49-54-33878




16.05.2021 | 04:29:51

все его сообщения:
за день, за месяц,
за все время
grizly: ...Торрес не признался, что США велели ему сказать, что в вакцине размножается аденовирус.

onedrey: ...что неоспоримо указывает на заказной характер антиспутниковской кампании

Кстати, а почему они именно во второй дозе репликацию подозревали?
номер сообщения: 49-54-33879